Helping Families Stay Together

What is a green card marriage interview?

On Behalf of | Sep 1, 2024 | Green Card

A green card allows people to work and live in the United States permanently. A green card is also one of the many steps to seek naturalization in the U.S., which allows people to gain full citizenship. Those who are seeking immigration to the U.S. must meet certain criteria before they are eligible to apply for a green card. For some, that means getting a job with green card eligibility. Another way to get a green card is through marriage.

 A U.S. citizen can help their spouse from another country immigrate to the States. Immigration through marriage is not straightforward. U.S. citizens and their spouses seeking immigration typically must go through an interview first. 

A green card marriage interview is meant to validate the authenticity of a marriage. Both U.S. citizens and their spouses may be asked many detailed and possibly personal questions before a spouse seeking immigration is eligible for a green card.

What is asked during the interview? 

During the green card interview, the couple may be asked questions together or separately. This helps the interviewer compare answers between spouses or view the relationship dynamic. 

The interviewer may ask them questions about their relationship, such as where they met, who proposed first or if there was a honeymoon. There may also be questions regarding each spouse’s daily life, such as where they work, when they get up, what their favorite food is or if they have any hobbies. Some questions may be very specific, such as what each spouse ate the day before, what each spouse’s favorite movie is, or what their weekend plans are.

Legal guidance can help those in such a situation prepare for their green card interview.